South Africa, Cape Town, 3 September 2024; A lot can happen in ten years. Rewind a decade and chef Ivor Jones was captaining the heady days of The Test Kitchen by Luke Dale Roberts whilst chef Jason Kosmas was deep in the early years of the original Chefs Warehouse and Canteen by Liam Tomlin. A couple of years later and in a fortuitous turn of fate, the two chefs found themselves swapping roles with Ivor joining Liam to open Chefs Warehouse at Beau Constantia and Jason joining Luke to head up the Pot Luck Club. Fast forward today, and both chefs are serious culinary personalities in their own right, leading two of the most successful restaurants in Africa.
It’s almost uncanny that the two, who’ve had similar trajectories with the same mentors and business partners have never worked together before, so when these rock star chefs, mates, and creatives decide to do a collab, it’s seriously not to be missed.

Two dates and two stellar venues
Sunday, 6 October at the Pot Luck Club Cape Town and
Sunday, 20 October at Chefs Warehouse at Beau Constantia.
The Sunday feast
The menu on each date will feature eight family-style sharing dishes, with four unique dishes created in collaboration by Ivor and Jason, and two dishes each from the Pot Luck Club and Beau archives as well as a couple of surprises in between.
Each of the two über Sunday lunches commences with a glass of Beau Constantia Pas du Nom Cap Classique, a duo of signature oysters, a craft bread course, a cocktail followed by an eight-course family-style menu. Each guest also takes home a beautiful sweetie box designed by illustrator John Pace and filled with next-level confectionery as a take-away memento of the two special occasions.

Priced at R1700 per person.
Sunday, 6 October : to reserve the Pot Luck chapter book direct:
Sunday, 20 October : to reserve the CW Beau chapter book direct:

For Press and media assistance contact Ian and Lise Manley of Manley Communications Atelier via or call +27 (0) 82 826 0456.