Boschendal XO Potstill

South Africa, Stellenbosch, 6 June 2024; South African Brandy continues to stake its claim among the world’s premier drinks following chart-topping performances at this year’s Intercontinental Spirits Challenge held in Kortrijk, Belgium. Producers of South Africa’s quintessential spirit have just been awarded eleven of the authoritative competition’s highest accolades including a trophy for the Boschendal XO Potstill.

The Intercontinental Challenge annually singles out the best drinks of entries from across the globe, and made the announcement of its best-of-the-best just days ago. Winning an award is a mark of the most outstanding distinction.

From left to right, Oude Molen XO, Bayede! XO and Oude Molen VSOP

In addition to snapping up a trophy, South African brandies that received Double Gold at the event were Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 10YO; Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 15YO; Oude Molen VS and Oude Molen XO. Gold was awarded to D’Aria The Piccolo Brandy; Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 25YO; 100 Reserve Premium Brandy; Oude Molen VSOP; Bayede! XO and Tokara XO Potstill Brandy.

Furthermore, DGB was named Outstanding Producer for the second year in a row, for its exceptional performance.

From left to right, Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 10YO; Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 25YO and Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 15YO

“South Africa’s brandy masters have done us proud once again,” says South African Brandy Foundation director Christelle Reade-Jahn. “Through them, South African brandy’s legacy of excellence that has been refined over more than 350 years, just keeps getting better.”

The final leg of the Intercontinental Spirits Challenge took place in Europe with the event’s official media release declaring the brandy and cognac category “an event highlight”.

“These spirits’ depth of flavour, complexity, and unparalleled quality enthralled the judges. The Boschendal XO Potstill, with its exceptional complexity, remarkable character, and finesse, stood out…”

The release says the producer of the Boschendal XO Potstill, DGB, was named Outstanding Producer as “a testament to [its] unwavering dedication to excellence, solidifying their reputation as a leader in the spirits industry”.

From left to right, 100 Reserve Premium Brandy, Tokara XO Potstill Brandy. and D’Aria The Piccolo Brandy

For several of the winners in the competition, it was a return to the podium. Last year, Oude Molen XO and Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 15YO won trophies and led a pack of Double Golds for South African brandies.

Specialist judges on the panel at the Intercontinental Spirits Challenge this year, included industry veterans Dr Caroline Snyman CWM, Dr Mare-Loe Prinsloo and Kobus Gelderblom.

For more information, visit The official website of the South African  Brandy Foundation includes details about the country’s brandy homes, routes and to explore brandy heritage as well as a free introductory course about brandy-production.

For comment, contact Christelle Reade-Jahn, Director of the South African Brandy Foundation –

For press and media assistance contact Ian Hamilton Manley, director of Manley Communications Atelier on +27 (0)82 8260 456 or email


Suid-Afrika, Stellenbosch, 6 Junie 2024; Suid-Afrikaanse brandewyn maak steeds aanspraak as van die wêreld se beste drankies, ná topprestasies by vanjaar se Intercontinental Spirits Challenge, in Kortrijk, België gehou. Suid-Afrikaanse produsente se kenmerkendste spiritus het pas elf van dié gesaghebbende kompetisie se hoogste toekennings ontvang, insluitend ‘n trofee vir die Boschendal XO Potstill.

Die Intercontinental Challenge sonder jaarliks ​​die beste drankies van inskrywings van regoor die wêreld uit, en het enkele dae gelede die aankondiging gemaak van sy beste-van-die-beste. Om ‘n toekenning hier te wen, is een van die grootste ere wat ‘n produsent kan toeval.

Benewens ‘n wentrofee, het Suid-Afrikaanse brandewyne ook Dubbelgoud by die geleentheid ontvang, waaronder Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 10YO; Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 15YO; Oude Molen VS en Oude Molen XO. Goud is toegeken aan D’Aria The Piccolo Brandy; Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 25YO; 100 Reserve Premium Brandy; Oude Molen VSOP; Bayede! XO en Tokara XO Potstill Brandy.

Verder is DGB vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar aangewys as Uitstaande Vervaardiger, vir sy besonderse deurlopende prestasie.

“Suid-Afrika se brandewynmeesters het ons weer eens trots gemaak,” sê Christelle Reade-Jahn, direkteur van die Suid-Afrikaanse Brandewynstigting. “Deur hulle word Suid-Afrikaanse brandewyn se nalatenskap van uitnemendheid – wat oor meer as 350 jaar verfyn is – net beter.”

Die laaste afdeling van die Intercontinental Spirits Challenge het in Europa plaasgevind, en die geleentheid se amptelike mediavrystelling verklaar die brandewyn- en konjakkategorie as “‘n gebeurtenis-hoogtepunt”.

“Hierdie spiritualieë se diepte van geur, kompleksiteit en ongeëwenaarde kwaliteit, het die beoordelaars se harte gewen. Die Boschendal XO Potstill, met sy besonderse kompleksiteit, merkwaardige karakter en finesse, het uitgestaan ​​…”

Die vrystelling sê die produsent van die Boschendal XO Potstill, DGB, is aangewys as uitstaande produsent as “‘n bewys van [sy] onwrikbare toewyding aan uitnemendheid, wat hul reputasie as ‘n leier in die spiritualieëbedryf versterk het”.

Verskeie wenners in die kompetisie het vanjaar teruggekeer na die podium.

Verlede jaar het Oude Molen XO en Sydney Back Potstill Brandy 15YO trofees gewen en ‘n reeks Dubbelgoud vir Suid-Afrikaanse brandewyne gelei.

Van die spesialis-beoordelaars op die Intercontinental Spirits Challenge-paneel vanjaar, het die bedryfsveterane Dr. Caroline Snyman CWM, Dr. Mare-Loe Prinsloo en Kobus Gelderblom ingesluit.

Besoek vir meer inligting. Die amptelike webwerf van die SA Brandewynstigting bevat besonderhede oor Suid-Afrikaanse brandewynhuise, roetes om Suid-Afrikaanse brandewyn-erfenis te verken, asook ‘n gratis inleidende kursus oor brandewynmaak.

Kontak Christelle Reade-Jahn by vir addisionele kommentaar –

Kontak Ian Hamilton Manley, medestigter en direkteur van Manley Communications Atelier by +27 (0)82 8260 456 of e-pos vir verdere mediabystand.